Who Are We?

Tutors, Teachers, Homeschool Assistants, Childcare Providers, Special Needs Tutors, Home School Moms and various other providers geared towards the home school family.

The Home School Community is all about the Christian homeschooling family.  We are working to provide a central place for moms and dads to connect with Christian individuals that have skill sets that will enhance the homeschooling experience.  Let’s be real, we are not all math people (or science people or writers etc).  God created us (parents and children alike) to be different, but it’s for a wonderful purpose.  We often need assistance from someone who has experience in a specific area or just general homeschooling experience.  Our hope is to become that place where you can find the help that you need. Take a moment and read our Statement of Faith here.

Why the Home School Community?

Let me introduce myself, I am a  Child of God first, saved by the blood of Jesus Christ; second a wife and third a mother to five blessings (1 girl and 5 boys).  We are a homeschooling family.  I’ve been blessed to be at home with my children and we have been homeschooling since my daughter was 5.  During that time I have also owned a business and directed our homeschool community.  As our family grew and as the families of many other homeschooling families grew, it became apparent that families are searching for people to walk alongside them during certain seasons and aid in their homeschooling.  As I was repeatedly receiving questions like, “How can I homeschool and work?,” “How can I homeschool children in multiple grades?,” “How can I teach my child to read?” “How do I teach my child Algebra?”etc etc etc; it became apparent that we needed a community of resources.  Thus, THSC, LLC was born.

My hope is that this resource can help relieve some of the burden from moms and dads who feel called to homeschool, but are thinking they have to go at it alone.  We aren’t alone!  We don’t have to do it all ourselves!  We can do this!  God has equipped us for this, but it’s ok to reach out and let someone help.  As stated above, God created each person as a unique individual with gifts and a purpose.  I believe that God wants us to use our gifts to help others and to be willing to allow others to help us.

If you are someone in need of help…check out the Subscribers Page.  If you have a skill set that you would like to use to help home school families…check out the Providers Page.

I’m looking forward to seeing this “Community” grow.  I hope it is a blessing.

In Christ,

Our Mission:

Our mission is to connect the Christian home school community with the help they need to achieve their home-schooling goals.

Our Vision

Our vision is to reach beyond the norm and help Christian home school families thrive.

Get Started

To Advertise With Us

Please read and agree with our Statement of Faith. Once you agree, you will be redirected to next steps.

Statement Of Faith

Please read and accept to get started

All Scripture is God-breathed, the infallible and inerrant word of God and being Truth, requires our unreserved submission in all areas of life.  2 Timothy 3:16-17 & Revelation 22:18-19

Scripture interpretation is not based upon an individual or a cultural norm or idea.  Scripture interprets itself as it is the Word of the one, true God.  The truth of Scripture is revealed through the Holy Spirit and all revelation through the Holy Spirit is to be tested upon Scripture. 1 John 5:6-12 & 2 Peter 1:20

In the triune God, one in essence and eternally existing as three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit; the sovereign Creator and Sustainer of all things. God is Spirit and we worship Him in spirit and in truth. John 4:24

Jesus Christ, the living Word, became flesh. He is truly God and truly man. Born of a virgin, conceived through the Holy Spirit. He will return again to earth. Isaiah 7:14 & John 1:1

The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, has come to glorify Christ and give new life to us, empower, and impart gifts to us for service. 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 & 2 Corinthians 2:12-13

Our salvation is wholly dependent upon the work of God’s grace, through our faith in Jesus’ death and resurrection. Ephesians 2:8

Scripture states all persons are made in the image of God and therefore we believe:

  • Life begins at conception. Each human life is precious and bears the image of God. When God created man, He breathed life into his lungs. Man differs from other created beings and is the pinnacle of creation – created “very good.”
  • Gender is assigned by God at birth through a person’s natural biological identity, being either male or female. And that even on a cellular level the difference between male and female is known and revealed through scientific discovery and is both wonderful and purposeful. Scripture teaches we are fearfully and wonderfully made, created as male or female by our Creator God.
  • Marriage is defined by Scripture as an exclusive and covenantal relationship between one man and one woman. And that the institution of family was designed by God for His glory and the procreation of the earth. Having created humanity to be male or female as assigned at birth, we are created to leave father and mother and cleave to our spouse (a husband or a wife).
  • Children are a gift from the Lord, and we as parents are stewards of the children God entrusts to our care. We are to lead and guide them into desiring a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, obeying His commands, and going and making disciples. Children are under the authority (as we are under the authority of God) of their parents on earth and are to love, respect and honor both mother and father.

Psalm 139:13-14; Genesis 1:26-32; Exodus 20:12; Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Ephesians 5:22-33 & Genesis 2:24

The Lord Jesus Christ commands all believers to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world and to make disciples of all nations. Believers are to be always prepared to give an account for our hope.  Matthew 28:18-19 & 1 Peter 3:15


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